
歡迎您選擇由HongKong Howfun Technology Limited (以下簡稱"我們")提供的香港浩凡遊戲! 除《香港浩凡隱私政策》、《香港浩凡遊戲許可及服務協定》外,我們還將通過《香港浩凡遊戲隱私保護指引》("本指引")向您進一步細化說明您在使用香港浩凡遊戲時我們收集、使用、存儲和共用個人資訊的情況,以及您所享有的相關權利等事宜,本指引是《香港浩凡遊戲許可及服務協定》的組成部分,其中要點如下:

• 本政策適用於我們提供的所有產品和服務。 如我們關聯公司的產品或服務中使用了香港浩凡平臺的產品或服務(例如使用香港浩凡平臺帳號登陸)但未設獨立隱私權政策的,則本政策同樣適用於該產品或服務。

• 需要特別說明的是,本政策不適用其他獨立第三方向您提供的服務,也不適用於香港浩凡平臺中已另行獨立設置法律聲明及隱私權政策的產品或服務。 例如香港浩凡平臺上第三方依託本平臺向您提供服務時,我們會向您提示該服務由第三方提供,您向第三方提供的個人資訊不適用於本隱私政策,我們對任何第三方使用由您提供的資訊不承擔任何責任。

• 為了向您提供遊戲娛樂以及與此相關的玩家互動、消費等服務,我們需要收集您的遊戲歷史、設備資訊、登錄日誌等資訊。

• 為更好地保護未成年人身心健康,促使未成年人健康上網,我們可能在國家有關網路遊戲防沉迷政策規定的基礎上,實施更為嚴格的防沉迷措施。 同時我們也不斷研究與測試各種保護未成年人的新技術。 如為了進一步提高實名認證的精準度,最大限度防止未成年人冒用他人身份資訊,我們可能在部分遊戲或針對部分使用者(以具體遊戲策略為準)啟用人臉識別驗證。
上述人臉識別驗證主要是將用戶真實面部資訊與公安權威數據平臺數據源進行比對,如二者比對結果一致,即成功通過認證,並按使用者實際年齡段匹配相應的遊戲時限。 如比對結果不符或使用者拒絕驗證,我們將統一視作12周歲及以下未成年人,納入相應的防沉迷監管。 人臉識別的相關驗證數據,在加密后僅用於與公安權威數據平台進行比對,我們不會對其留存。

• 您可以根據本指引所述管理您的個人資訊以及相關授權。

• 我們採用多方位的安全保護措施,以確保對您的個人信息保護處於合理的安全水準。

• 在使用香港浩凡平臺各項產品或服務前,請您務必仔細閱讀並透徹理解本政策,特別是以粗體/粗體下劃線標識的條款,您應重點閱讀,在確認充分理解並同意後使用相關產品或服務。 一旦您開始使用香港浩凡平臺各項產品或服務,即表示您已充分理解並同意本政策。 1. 我們收集的資訊 2. 信息的存儲 3. 資訊的安全 4. 我們如何使用資訊 5. 對外提供 6. 您的權利 7. 變更 8. 未成年人保護 9. 其他 10. 聯繫我們 1. 我們收集的資訊

1.1 當您註冊或使用香港浩凡遊戲服務時,我們會收集您的網路身份標識資訊及個人常用設備資訊,用於標記您為香港浩凡遊戲的使用者。 如果您使用第三方登錄香港浩凡遊戲,我們會收集您第三方的唯一標識、頭像、昵稱,用於保存您的登錄資訊,以便您在不同設備登錄。
為了更好地向您提供遊戲服務,改善遊戲體驗,我們可對您的帳號、及遊戲帳號中的昵稱、頭像以及在香港浩凡遊戲中的登錄狀態、對戰資訊/ 狀態、成就資訊、相關操作資訊、遊戲資訊(以下稱"該等資訊")進行使用,並可向您本人或其他使用者或好友展示該等資訊。 我們可能會視遊戲產品具體情況為您提供相關許可權,以便您可以對是否展示前述相關信息進行相應設置。

1.2 為滿足相關法律法規政策及相關主管部門的要求,香港浩凡遊戲使用者需進行實名認證以繼續使用和享受香港浩凡遊戲。 我們會在獲得您同意或您主動提供的情況下收集您的實名身份資訊,該資訊屬於敏感資訊,拒絕提供實名身份資訊可能會導致您無法登陸香港浩凡遊戲或在使用香港浩凡遊戲過程中受到相應限制。

1.3 為保障您正常使用我們的服務,維護遊戲基礎功能的正常運行,優化遊戲產品性能,提升您的遊戲體驗並保障您的帳號安全,我們會收集您的設備ID、設備名稱、設備類型和版本、系統版本、IP 位址、MAC位址、應用ID、網路類型等資訊。

1.4 當您使用香港浩凡遊戲服務時,我們會收集您的遊戲日誌資訊,例如登錄日誌、物品日誌、遊戲對局資訊、交友記錄等,以便您能夠在用戶端查看您的遊戲歷史記錄,同時用於遊戲運營統計分析、客服投訴處理及其他遊戲安全分析,併為提升您的遊戲體驗, 我們可能把前述資訊同步至該遊戲後續版本或您正在使用的我們提供的其他產品中。

1.5 如您使用小米、魅族、華為等品牌手機,香港浩凡遊戲接入的上述手機廠商Push SDK需要收集手機唯一標識資訊(例如IMEI),並可能會收集您的手機型號、系統類型、系統版本 、設備螢幕尺寸等參數用於實現香港浩凡遊戲產品和活動等資訊的推送,具體情況請參見SDK運營方的隱私政策或相關聲明。

1.6 當您使用香港浩凡遊戲產品的消費功能時,我們會收集您的充值記錄、消費記錄資訊,以便您查詢您的交易記錄,同時盡最大程度保護您的虛擬物品安全。 充值記錄、消費記錄屬於敏感資訊,收集上述資訊為實現香港浩凡遊戲產品的消費功能所必須,否則將無法完成交易。

1.7 為保障您的遊戲帳號安全,營造公平、健康及安全的遊戲環境,我們會收集您的遊戲識別資訊、硬體及操作系統資訊、進程及遊戲崩潰記錄等資訊,以用於打擊破壞遊戲公平環境或干擾、破壞遊戲服務正常進行的行為(如用於檢測盜版、掃描外掛、防止作弊等)。

1.8 當您在遊戲中通過文字、圖片、語音、視頻及其他方式與其他玩家進行互動,我們可能會收集並保存您發送的上述資訊內容用於過濾色情、暴力、政治、辱駡、惡意廣告等不當內容,以此凈化遊戲環境,維護健康的上網環境。

1.9 如您希望通過語音、視頻與其他遊戲玩家互動、參與直播,在您授權同意後,遊戲會訪問您的麥克風、攝像頭,為您提供語音聊天、直播互動等功能。

1.10 如您希望與附近的遊戲玩家互動,在您授權同意后,我們會收集您的地理位置資訊,用於尋找附近的遊戲玩家,以便您與附近的玩家匹配、組隊等。 地理位置資訊屬於敏感資訊,拒絕提供該資訊只會導致您無法實現與附近的遊戲玩家互動,但不影響您正常使用香港浩凡遊戲的其他功能,您也可以隨時取消您的地理位置信息授權。

1.11 我們啟用了適度遊戲的提醒功能,如您使用可穿戴設備,我們會在徵得您同意後收集您的遊戲在線心跳等資訊,以在您過度遊戲時發出系統提醒。

1.12 根據相關法律法規及國家標準,以下情形中,我們可能會收集、使用您的相關個人資訊無需徵求您的授權同意:
1) 與國家安全、國防安全等國家利益直接相關的;與公共安全、公共衛生、公共知情等重大公共利益直接相關的;
2) 與犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和判決執行等直接相關的;
3) 出於維護您或其他個人的生命、財產、聲譽等重大合法權益但又很難得到本人同意的;
4) 所收集的個人資訊是您自行向社會公眾公開的;
5) 從合法公開披露的資訊中收集個人資訊的,如合法的新聞報導、政府資訊公開等管道;
6) 根據您要求簽訂和履行合同所必需的;
7) 用於維護所提供的產品或服務的安全穩定運行所必需的,例如發現、處置產品或服務的故障;
8) 為開展合法的新聞報導所必需的;
9) 出於公共利益開展統計或學術研究所必要,且其對外提供學術研究或描述的結果時,對結果中所包含的個人信息進行去標識化處理的;
10) 法律法規規定的其他情形。


1.14 請您理解,我們向您提供的功能和服務是不斷更新和發展的,如果某一功能或服務未在前述說明中且收集了您的資訊,我們會通過頁面提示、交互流程、網站公告等方式另行向您說明資訊收集的內容、範圍和目的,以徵得您的同意。
目前,除了向第三方調研機構收集遊戲調研資訊,以説明我們改進遊戲產品以及提供個人化服務之外,我們不會主動從香港浩凡網路外的第三方獲取您的個人資訊。 如未來為業務發展需要從香港浩凡網路外的第三方間接獲取您的個人資訊,我們會在獲取前向您明示您個人資訊的來源、類型及使用範圍,如香港浩凡遊戲開展業務需進行的個人資訊處理活動超出您原本向香港浩凡網路外的第三方提供個人資訊時的授權同意範圍,我們將在處理您的該等個人資訊前,徵得您的明示同意;此外,我們也將會嚴格遵守相關法律法規的規定, 並要求該第三方保障其提供的資訊的合法性。 2. 信息的存儲
2.1 信息存儲的方式和期限
我們僅在為提供我們平臺及服務之目的所必需的期間內保留您的個人資訊,在您未撤回、刪除或未註銷帳號期間,我們會保留相關信息。 超出必要期限后,我們將對您的個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理,但法律法規另有規定的除外。 但在下列情況下,我們可能因需符合法律要求,更改個人資訊的存儲時間:

1) 為遵守適用的法律法規規定,例如,《中華人民共和國網路安全法》第二十一條第三款要求監測、記錄網路運行狀態、網路安全事件的技術措施的網路日誌留存不得少於六個月;

2) 為遵守法院判決、裁定或其他法律程序的規定;

3) 為遵守政府機關或法定授權組織的要求;

4) 為執行我們平台協定或本政策、維護社會公共利益,保護我們及我們關聯公司、其他使用者或雇員的人身安全或其他合法權益所合理必需的用途。

2.2 信息存儲的地域
我們在中華人民共和國境內收集和產生的個人資訊將存儲在中華人民共和國境內。 不會對您的個人資訊跨境傳輸。

如我們停止運營香港浩凡產品或服務,我們將及時停止繼續收集您個人資訊的活動,將停止運營的通知以逐一送達或公告的形式通知您,並對我們所持有的與已關停業務相關的個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理。 3. 資訊安全

3.1 安全保護措施
我們努力為使用者的資訊安全提供保障,以防止資訊的洩露、丟失、不當使用、未經授權訪問和披露等。 我們使用多方位的安全保護措施,以確保使用者的個人資訊保護處於合理的安全水準,包括技術保護手段、管理制度控制、安全體系保障等諸多方面。
我們採用業界領先的技術保護措施。 我們使用的技術手段包括但不限於防火牆、加密(例如SSL)、去標識化或匿名化處理、訪問控制措施等。 此外,我們還會不斷加強安裝在您設備端的軟體的安全能力。 例如,我們會在您的設備本地完成部分資訊加密工作,以鞏固安全傳輸;我們會瞭解您設備安裝的應用資訊和運行的進程資訊,以預防病毒、木馬等惡意程式。
我們建立了保障個人資訊安全專門的管理制度、流程和組織。 例如,我們嚴格限制訪問信息的人員範圍,要求他們遵守保密義務並進行審計,違反義務的人員會根據規定進行處罰。 我們也會審查該管理制度、流程和組織,以防未經授權的人員擅自訪問、使用或披露用戶的資訊。

3.2 安全事件處置措施
若發生個人信息洩露等安全事件,我們會啟動應急預案,阻止安全事件擴大。 安全事件發生后,我們會以公告、推送通知或郵件等形式告知您安全事件的基本情況、我們即將或已經採取的處置措施和補救措施,以及我們對您的應對建議。 如果難以實現逐一告知,我們將通過公告等方式發佈警示。
同時,我們還將按照監管部門要求,主動上報個人資訊安全事件的處置情況。 4. 我們如何使用資訊
4.1 資訊使用規則
我們會按照如下規則使用收集的資訊: 1) 我們會根據我們收集的資訊向您提供各項功能與服務,包括基礎遊戲功能、玩家互動功能、直播功能、消費功能等; 2) 我們會根據您的遊戲等級、偏好、習慣、消費等特徵為您提供個人化服務,包括基於特徵標籤進行間接人群畫像並向您推薦您可能感興趣的活動、比賽、促銷等推廣內容。 3) 我們會根據您使用香港浩凡遊戲產品的頻率和情況、故障資訊、性能資訊等分析我們產品的運行情況,以確保服務的安全性,並優化我們的產品,提高我們的服務品質。 我們不會將我們存儲在分析軟體中的資訊與您提供的個人身份信息相結合。

4.2 定向推送活動的規則
我們會根據您的遊戲等級、偏好、習慣、消費等特徵為您提供個性化的推廣內容,例如向您推薦您可能喜歡的遊戲皮膚。 我們可能會視遊戲產品具體情況為您提供相關許可權,以便您可以通過相關設置降低推薦內容與您的相關性/退出此類個人化推送。

我們將會在本指引所涵蓋的用途內使用收集的資訊。 如我們使用您的個人資訊,超出了與收集時所聲稱的目的及具有直接或合理關聯的範圍,我們將在使用您的個人資訊前,再次向您告知並徵得您的明示同意。 5. 對外提供
5.1 共用
我們不會在未經您同意或授權的情況下將您的個人資訊出售或出租給第三方。 但是,經您確認同意,我們可在以下情況下共用您的個人資訊。

1) 在法定情形下的共享:我們可能會根據法律法規規定、訴訟爭議解決需要,或按行政、司法機關依法提出的要求,對外共用您的個人資訊。

2) 在獲取明確同意的情況下共用:獲得您的明確同意后,我們會與其他方共用您的個人資訊。

3) 共用給我們的關聯公司:在本政策聲明的使用目的範圍內,您的個人資訊可能會與我們的關聯公司和/或其指定的服務提供者共用。 作為一項政策,我們只會共用必要的資訊。 關聯公司如要改變個人資訊的處理目的,將再次徵求您的授權同意。 4) 共用給我們的授權合作夥伴:我們可能會與合作夥伴共用您的某些個人資訊,以提供更好的客戶服務和用戶體驗。 我們僅會出於合法、正當、必要、特定、明確的目的處理您的個人資訊,並且只會共用提供服務所必要的資訊。 如果您拒絕我們的合作夥伴在提供服務時收集為提供服務所必須的個人資訊,將可能導致您無法在香港浩凡平臺中使用該第三方服務。
廣告、分析服務類的授權合作夥伴。 除非得到您的許可,否則我們不會將您的個人資訊提供給廣告、分析服務的合作夥伴分享。 對於廣告合作夥伴,我們可能會向其提供有關其廣告覆蓋面和有效性的資訊,而不會提供您的個人身份資訊,或者我們將這些資訊進行匿名化處理,以便它不會識別到您個人。 對於分析數據的夥伴,為了更好的分析香港浩凡平台使用者的使用方式,我們可能向其提供香港浩凡平臺用戶的數量、地區分佈、活躍情況等數據,但我們僅會向這些合作夥伴提供不能識別個人身份的統計資訊。
供應商、服務提供者和其他合作夥伴。 我們將資訊發送給在中國大陸範圍內支援我們業務的供應商、服務提供者和其他合作夥伴共用。 目前我們的授權合作夥伴有:向代表我們發出簡訊通知的通訊服務供應商分享手機號碼,為我們和您提供即時語音通話功能的技術服務商採集、處理音頻數據,為我們和您提供協助的大數據風控技術服務商分享日誌數據,為我們和您提供本機一鍵綁定登錄的服務供應商分享設備資訊,為我們和您提供推送服務的技術服務商提供設備資訊。 這些資訊的用途受到如下限制:
• 協助我們向您提供服務;
• 協助我們履行使用您的個人資訊所載的目的;
• 提供技術基礎設施服務、分析我們服務的使用方式、衡量廣告和服務的有效性、支付便利或進行學術研究和調查。
請您注意,該等第三方服務由相關的第三方負責運營。 您使用該等第三方的媒體服務或其他服務(包括您向該等第三方提供的任何資訊),仍需須受第三方自己的服務條款及資訊保護聲明(而非本政策)約束,您需要仔細閱讀其條款。 本政策僅適用於我們所收集的個人資訊,並不適用於任何第三方提供的服務或第三方的資訊使用規則。 如您發現這些第三方媒體或其他服務存在風險時,建議您終止相關操作以保護您的合法權益。 我們會對授權合作夥伴獲取有關資訊的應用程式介面(API)、軟體工具開發包(SDK)進行嚴格的安全測試,並與授權合作夥伴約定嚴格的數據保護措施,約定其應當按照我們的委託目的、服務說明、本政策及其他任何相關的保密和安全措施來處理您的個人資訊。

5.2 轉讓

1) 在獲取明確同意的情況下轉讓:獲得您的明確同意后,我們會向其他方轉讓您的個人資訊;

2) 在涉及合併、收購或破產清算時:如涉及到個人信息轉讓,我們會要求新的持有您個人資訊的公司、組織繼續受此隱私政策的約束,否則我們將要求該公司、組織重新向您徵求授權同意。

5.3 公開披露

1) 與國家安全、國防安全直接相關的;

2) 與公共安全、公共衛生、重大公共利益直接相關的;

3) 與犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和判決執行等直接相關的;

4) 出於維護個人信息主體或其他個人的生命、財產等重大合法權益但又很難得到本人同意的;

5) 個人信息主體自行向社會公眾公開個人資訊的;

6) 從合法公開披露的資訊中收集個人資訊的,如合法的新聞報導、政府資訊公開等管道。
【請注意】若我們對個人資訊通過技術手段對數據進行去標識化處理,去標識化處理的資訊將無法識別您的身份且不能復原並重新識別信息主體的,則去標識化處理后數據的共用、轉讓、公開披露無需另行向您通知並徵得您的同意。 6. 您的權利
6.1 資訊管理
在您使用香港浩凡遊戲服務期間,我們可能會視遊戲產品具體情況為您提供相應的操作設置,以便您可以查詢、刪除、更正或撤回您的相關個人資訊,您可參考相應遊戲產品的具體指引進行操作。 此外,我們還設置了投訴舉報管道,您的意見將會得到及時的處理。
注:目前我們提供的遊戲沒有獨立的帳號,而是使用關聯的香港浩凡帳號作為遊戲賬號登錄相關遊戲。 如您需要註銷遊戲帳號的,則需要註銷香港浩凡帳號。

6.2 改變授權同意的範圍

您申請授權撤回后,我們將不再處理相應的個人資訊。 請您理解,因您的授權撤回,我們無法繼續為您提供撤回同意或授權所對應的特定功能或/和服務。 但您撤回同意的決定,不會影響此前基於您的授權而展開的個人信息處理。 7. 變更
我們可能會適時對本指引進行修訂。 當本指引的條款發生變更時,我們會在版本更新時以適當的方式向您提示變更后的指引。 請您仔細閱讀變更后的隱私保護指引或指引內容,您繼續使用香港浩凡遊戲表示您同意我們按照更新后的隱私保護指引收集、處理或使用您的個人資訊。 8. 未成年人保護
我們會積極按照國家防沉迷政策要求,通過啟用防沉迷系統保護未成年人的合法權益。 我們會通過實名身份等資訊校驗判斷相關帳號的實名資訊是否為未成年人,進而決定是否將此賬號納入到防沉迷體系中。 另外,我們會收集您的登錄時間、遊戲時長等資訊,通過從系統層面自動干預和限制未成年人遊戲時間、啟用強制下線功能等方式,引導未成年人合理遊戲,並在疑似未成年人消費后嘗試聯繫其監護人進行提醒、確認與處理,説明未成年人健康上網。
同時,為更好地保護未成年身心健康,促使未成年人健康上網,我們可能在國家有關網路遊戲防沉迷政策規定的基礎上,實施更為嚴格的防沉迷措施。 同時我們也不斷研究與測試各種保護未成年人的新技術。 如為了進一步提高實名認證的精準度,最大限度防止未成年人冒用他人身份資訊,我們可能在部分遊戲或針對部分使用者(以具體遊戲策略為準)啟用人臉識別驗證。
上述人臉識別驗證主要是將用戶真實面部資訊與公安權威數據平臺數據源進行比對,如二者比對結果一致,即成功通過認證,並按使用者實際年齡段匹配相應的遊戲時限。 如比對結果不符或使用者拒絕驗證,我們將統一視作12周歲及以下未成年人,納入相應的防沉迷監管。 人臉識別的相關驗證數據,在加密后僅用於與公安權威數據平台進行比對,我們不會對其留存。
另外,我們還建立了成長守護平臺。 成長守護平臺還可以幫助家長或監護人隨時瞭解孩子的遊戲情況,設置消費限額以及每天的遊戲時長和時段,協助未成年人的家長或監護人保護未成年人免受不良遊戲習慣的傷害。 您可以點擊這裡瞭解更多有關香港浩凡遊戲防沉迷系統和成長守護平台的介紹。 同時,我們也建立了未成年人主動服務平臺,在疑似未成年人消費后嘗試聯繫其監護人進行提醒、確認與處理,您可以通過未成年教育諮詢專線 0755-83761852與我們聯繫。
若您是未成年人的法定監護人,請您關注您所監護的未成年人是否是在取得您的授權同意之後使用香港浩凡遊戲的服務或提供其個人資訊。 如果您對您所監護的未成年人的個人資訊有疑問,請通過第10節中的聯繫方式與我們聯繫。 9. 其他
《香港浩凡隱私政策》是香港浩凡統一適用的一般性隱私條款,其中所規定的內容包括但不限於使用者權利及資訊安全保障措施等均適用於香港浩凡遊戲使用者。 如《香港浩凡隱私政策》與本指引存在不一致或矛盾之處,請以本指引為準。 10. 聯繫我們
當您有其他的投訴、建議、未成年人個人資訊相關問題時,請通過 http://www.www.xgfun.com/ 與我們聯繫。 我們將儘快審核所涉問題,並在驗證您的使用者身份后的十五天內予以回復。

版權所有:HongKong Howfun Technology Limited

抵制不良遊戲 拒絕盜版遊戲 注意自我保護 謹防受騙上當

適度遊戲益腦 沉迷遊戲傷身 合理安排時間 享受健康生活

Welcome to HongKong Howfun Technology Limited (hereinafter referred to as "us")! In addition to the Hong Kong hao every privacy policy ", "Hong Kong hao every game license and service agreement", we will also through the Hong Kong hao every game privacy guidelines "(" the guidelines") to further refine your every game when you are using Hong Kong hao, using, storing and sharing personal information we collect, and the related rights that you have, This guide is an integral part of the Hong Kong Hao Fan Game License and Service Agreement. The main points are as follows:

• This policy applies to all products and services we offer. If products or services of our affiliated companies use products or services of Hong Kong Hao Fan Platform (such as login with Hong Kong Hao Fan Platform account) without independent privacy policy, this policy shall also apply to such products or services.
• It should be specially noted that this policy does not apply to the services provided to you by other independent third parties, nor to the products or services in The Hong Kong Hao Fan platform which have separate legal statements and privacy policies. For example, if a third party on the Hong Kong Haofan Platform provides services to you through the Platform, we will remind you that the services are provided by a third party. The personal information you provide to a third party does not apply to this Privacy Policy, and we do not assume any responsibility for any third party's use of the information provided by you.

• In order to provide you with game entertainment and related services such as player interaction and consumption, we need to collect your game history, device information, login logs and other information.

• In order to better protect the physical and mental health of minors and promote them to surf the Internet in a healthy way, we may implement more stringent anti-addiction measures on the basis of the national anti-addiction policy on online games. At the same time, we are constantly researching and testing new technologies to protect minors. For example, in order to further improve the accuracy of real-name authentication and prevent minors from using others' identity information to the maximum extent, we may enable face recognition authentication in some games or for some users (depending on the specific game strategy).

The above face recognition verification is mainly to compare the user's real face information with the authoritative data source of the public security platform. If the comparison results are consistent, the authentication will be successfully passed, and the corresponding game time limit will be matched according to the actual age of the user. If the comparison results are inconsistent or the user refuses to verify, we will uniformly regard minors under the age of 12 as minors and put them into the corresponding anti-addiction supervision. The relevant verification data of face recognition is only used for comparison with the authoritative data platform of public security after encryption, and we will not retain it.

• You may manage your personal information and authorizations in accordance with these guidelines.

• We use multi-faceted security protection measures to ensure that your personal information is protected at a reasonable level of security.

• Please carefully read and thoroughly understand this policy before using products or services of Hong Kong Hao Fan Platform, especially the terms marked in bold/bold underline. You should focus on reading and use relevant products or services after fully understanding and agreeing. Once you start using the products or services of The Hong Kong Hao Fan Platform, you fully understand and agree to this policy.
1. The information we collected 2. Storage of information 3. Information security How do we use information 5. Externally available 6. Your rights
7. Changes
8. Protection of minors
9. Other
10. Contact us

1. Information we collected

During your use of Hong Kong Hao Fan Games Service, Hong Kong Hao Fan Games will collect the information you voluntarily provide or generate by using the Service in the following ways to provide and optimize our service to you and protect the security of your account:

1.1 When you register or use Hong Kong Hov Games services, we will collect your network id information and personal commonly used device information for marking you as a user of Hong Kong HoV Games. If you use a third party to log in to Hong Kong Hao Fan Games, we will collect your third party's unique logo, avatar, nickname, used to save your login information, so that you can log in to different devices.

In order to better provide you with game services and improve your game experience, we may use your account, the nickname and avatar in your game account, as well as login status, battle information/status, achievement information, relevant operation information and game information (hereinafter referred to as "such information") in Hong Kong Hao Fan Game. And may display such information to yourself or other users or friends. We may provide you with permission to display the above information based on the game product.
1.2 In order to meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and policies as well as relevant competent authorities, users of Hong Kong Hoifan Games need to carry out real-name authentication to continue to use and enjoy Hong Kong Hoifan Games. We will collect your real name identity information with your consent or your initiative to provide it, which is sensitive information. Refusal to provide your real name identity information may cause you to be unable to log in Hong Kong Hao Fan Games or be restricted in the process of using Hong Kong Hao Fan Games.

1.3 In order to ensure your normal use of our services, maintain the normal operation of basic game functions, optimize game product performance, improve your game experience and protect your account security, We will collect your device ID, device name, device type and version, system version, IP address, MAC address, application ID, and network type.

1.4 when you use Hong Kong hao every game service, we will collect your game log information, such as a login journal and articles, games, game information, friendships, etc, so that you can view your game on the client history, at the same time for game operation statistics and analysis, customer complaint handling and other games security analysis, In order to improve your game experience, we may synchronize the foregoing information to subsequent versions of the game or other products provided by us that you are using.

1.5 If you use xiaomi, Meizu, Huawei and other brand mobile phones, the Push SDK of the above mobile phone manufacturers accessed by Hong Kong Hao Fan Games needs to collect the unique identification information of the mobile phone (such as IMEI). In addition, it may collect your phone model, system type, system version, screen size and other parameters for the promotion of Hong Kong Hao Fan game products and activities. For details, please refer to the privacy policy or relevant statement of SDK operator.

1.6 When you use the consumption function of Hong Kong Hao Fan game products, we will collect your recharge record and consumption record information, so that you can query your transaction record and protect the security of your virtual goods to the greatest extent. Recharge records and consumption records are sensitive information. Collecting the above information is necessary to realize the consumption function of Hong Kong Hao Fan game products, otherwise the transaction cannot be completed.
1.7 In order to ensure the safety of your game account and create a fair, healthy and safe game environment, we will collect your game identification information, hardware and operating system information, progress and game crash records and other information. It is used to crack down on the behavior that destroys the fair environment of the game or interferes with the normal operation of the game service (such as detecting piracy, scanning plug-ins, preventing cheating, etc.). 1.8 When you interact with other players through text, picture, voice, video or other means in the game, we may collect and save the above information you send for filtering inappropriate content such as pornography, violence, politics, abuse, malicious advertising and so on, so as to purify the game environment and maintain a healthy online environment.

1.9 If you wish to interact with other game players through voice or video or participate in live broadcast, the game will access your microphone and camera to provide you with voice chat, live broadcast and other functions after your authorization.
1.10 If you wish to interact with nearby gamers, we will collect your geo-location information after you authorize it and use it to find nearby gamers, so that you can match and form teams with nearby gamers, etc. Location information is sensitive information. Refusing to provide such information will only make it impossible for you to interact with nearby game players, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of Hong Kong Hao Fan game. You may also cancel your location information authorization at any time. 1.11 We have enabled the reminder function of moderate games. If you use wearable devices, we will collect your online heartbeat and other information after obtaining your consent, so as to send a system reminder when you overplay.

1.12 In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information without asking for your authorization and consent under the following circumstances:
1) those directly related to national interests such as national security and national defense security; Those directly related to major public interests such as public security, public health and public information; (2) those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;
3) For the protection of your or other personal life, property, reputation and other important legal rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the oneself;
4) The collected personal information is disclosed to the public by you;
5) Collect personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels; 6) necessary for the execution and performance of the contract as required by you; 7) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the provided products or services, such as finding and disposing of faults of the products or services; 8) necessary to carry out legitimate news reporting;
9) When it is necessary to carry out statistical or academic research for the public interest, and it provides the results of academic research or description to the public, it de-labels the personal information contained in the results; 10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

1.13 Before providing us with any personal information that is sensitive information, please clearly consider that such provision is appropriate and agree that your sensitive Personal Information may be treated for the purposes and in the manner described in this Policy.
We will collect and use your sensitive information to realize functions related to our business with your consent and allow you to choose not to collect and use such sensitive information, but your refusal to use such information will affect your use of relevant functions.

1.14 please understand, we provide you with the functions and services are constantly updated and development, if a certain function or service is not in the foregoing statement and collected your information, we will have a page prompts, interactive process, such as web site announcement to tell you the content of the information collection, the scope and purpose, with the consent of you.
At present, we will not take the initiative to obtain your personal information from third parties outside Hong Kong Hao Fan network, except to collect game research information from third parties to help us improve our game products and provide personalized services. Such as the future for the business development needs any third party outside the network from Hong Kong hao indirect access to your personal information, we will for you express your personal information before getting the source, type and scope of use, such as Hong Kong hao every game business need to personal information processing activities beyond that you originally to the Hong Kong hao network of a third party to provide personal information off the agreed scope of authorization, We will seek your express consent before processing such personal information; In addition, we will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and require the third party to safeguard the legality of the information provided. 2. Information storage 2.1 Method and duration of information storage
We store your information in a secure way, including local storage (e.g. data caching with APP), database and server logs.
We will retain your personal information only for the period necessary for the purpose of providing our platform and services, and we will retain relevant information until you withdraw, delete or cancel your account. After the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. However, we may change the storage period of personal information to comply with legal requirements under the following circumstances: 1) In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, for example, paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China requires that the network logs for monitoring and recording network operation status and technical measures of network security incidents shall be kept for no less than six months;

2) to comply with the provisions of court judgments, orders or other legal procedures;

3) to comply with the requirements of government agencies or legally authorized organizations;

4) For purposes reasonably necessary to implement our Platform agreement or this policy, to safeguard public interests, to protect the personal safety or other legitimate rights and interests of us and our affiliates, other users or employees.
After your personal information exceeds the retention period, we will delete your personal information or make it anonymous for processing.
2.2 Information storage area
Personal information collected and generated by us in the People's Republic of China will be stored in the People's Republic of China. No cross-border transfer of your personal information.

2.3 Notification of cessation of operation of Products or services
If we stop operating Hong Kong Hao Fan products or services, we will stop collecting your personal information in a timely manner, notify you of the cessation of operations in the form of delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal information we hold related to the closed business. 3. Information security 3.1 Safety protection measures
We strive to ensure the security of users' information to prevent information disclosure, loss, improper use, unauthorized access and disclosure. We use multi-dimensional security protection measures to ensure that users' personal information protection is at a reasonable level of security, including technical protection means, management system control, security system guarantee and many other aspects.
We use industry leading technology protection measures. The technologies we use include but are not limited to firewalls, encryption (such as SSL), de-identification or anonymization, access control measures, etc. In addition, we will continuously enhance the security capabilities of the software installed on your device. For example, we will encrypt some information locally on your device to consolidate secure transmission. We will learn about the installed applications and running processes on your device to prevent viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs.
We have established special management systems, processes and organizations to ensure the security of personal information. For example, we strictly limit who can access information and require them to abide by confidentiality obligations and conduct audits, and those who violate these obligations will be punished according to regulations. We will also review the management systems, processes and organizations to prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure of user information.
We recommend that you pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services, and we will provide a variety of security features to help you protect your personal information.

3.2 Security event handling measures
In the event of a security incident such as the leakage of personal information, we will initiate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of security incidents. After a security incident occurs, we will inform you of the basic situation of the security incident, the disposal and remedial measures we will take or have taken, as well as our suggestions to you in the form of announcement, push notification or email. If it is difficult to inform one by one, we will issue warnings through announcements and other means.
At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the disposal of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

4. how do we use information
We strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations as well as the agreement with users, and use the information collected in accordance with this Guide and the "Hong Kong Hao Fan Game License and Service Agreement" and the "Hong Kong Hao Fan Privacy Policy" to provide you with better services. 4.1 Information Usage rules
We use the collected information according to the following rules: 1) We will provide you with various functions and services based on the information we collect, including basic game functions, player interaction functions, live broadcast functions, consumption functions, etc.;

2) We will provide you with personalized services based on your game level, preferences, habits, consumption and other characteristics, including indirect crowd portraits based on feature tags and recommending promotional content such as activities, contests and promotions that you may be interested in. 3) We will analyze the operation of our products according to the frequency and situation of your use of Hong Kong Hao Fan game products, fault information and performance information, so as to ensure the security of our services, optimize our products and improve the quality of our services. We do not combine the information we store in our analytics software with the personally identifiable information you provide.
4.2 Rules for targeted push activities
We will provide personalized promotion content for you based on your game level, preferences, habits, consumption and other characteristics, such as recommending game skins that you may like. We may, depending on the game product, provide you with the right to make recommendations less relevant to you/opt out of such personalized feeds. 4.3 Means of obtaining consent after informing the purpose of the change
We will use the information collected for the purposes covered by this guideline. If we use your Personal Information in ways that are directly or reasonably related to the purpose claimed at the time of collection, we will again notify you and obtain your express consent before using your personal Information.

We will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties without your consent or authorization. However, with your confirmation and consent, we may share your personal information under the following circumstances.

1) Sharing under legal circumstances: We may share your personal information externally in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation dispute resolution requirements, or as required by administrative and judicial authorities according to law.

2) Sharing with express consent: With your express consent, we share your personal information with other parties.

3) Shared with our Affiliates: Your Personal Information may be shared with our affiliates and/or their designated service providers for the purposes of use stated in this Policy. As a policy, we only share information that is necessary. If the affiliated company wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will seek your authorization and consent again.

4) Share with our authorized Partners: We may share certain of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. We will only process your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and will only share information necessary to provide services. If you refuse to allow our partners to collect personal information necessary for the provision of services, you may not be able to use such third party services on the Hong Kong Hao Fan platform. Currently, our licensing partners include the following types:
Authorized partner for advertising and analytics services. Unless we get your permission, we will not share your personal information with our advertising and analytics partners. For advertising partners, we may provide them with information about the reach and effectiveness of their ads without providing your personally identifiable information, or we anonymize this information so that it does not identify you personally. For partners who analyze data, we may provide them with the number, regional distribution and active status of Hong Kong Hao Fan platform users in order to better analyze the usage of Hong Kong Hao Fan platform users, but we will only provide these partners with statistical information that cannot be personally identified.
Suppliers, service providers and other partners. We share the information with suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business in mainland China. Currently, our authorized partners are: Sent on behalf of our SMS communications service providers to share mobile number, for us and provide real-time voice calls function of technology service provider audio data acquisition, processing, and provide assistance for us big data service providers to share risk control technology of log data, provide the machine for us and you a login key bindings share equipment information service providers, Provide equipment information for us and the technical service providers that provide push service for you. The use of this information is limited as follows: • Assist us in providing services to you; • Assist us in using your personal Information for the purposes set forth therein; • Provide technical infrastructure services, analyze the use of our services, measure the effectiveness of advertising and services, facilitate payment or conduct academic research and surveys.
Please note that such third party services are operated by the relevant third party. Your use of such third party's media services or other services (including any information you provide to such third parties) is still subject to the third party's own Terms of Service and information Protection Statement (not this Policy), which you need to read carefully. This policy applies only to personal information collected by us and does not apply to any third party services or third party information usage rules. If you find that these third-party media or other services are risky, you are advised to terminate relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests. We will to authorized partners access to information about application program interface (API) and software development kit (SDK) for rigorous safety testing, and agreed with authorized partners strict data protection measures, agreement it shall, in accordance with our purpose, service description, privacy and security of this policy and any other relevant measures to deal with your personal information.

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except for the following circumstances:

1) Transfer with express consent: With your express consent, we will transfer your personal Information to other parties;

2) In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation: If the transfer of personal Information is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal Information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy; otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.

5.3 Public disclosure
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations and national standards, we may share, transfer or publicly disclose personal information without obtaining your prior authorization in the following situations:

1) those directly related to national security and national defense security;

2) those directly related to public security, public health or major public interest; (3) those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

4) For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property and other important legal rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the subject;

5) The subject of personal information discloses personal information to the public by himself;

6) Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.
【 note 】 if we to the personal information of the data through technical means to identify, to identify the processing of information will not be able to identify your identity and cannot recover and to identify the information main body, is to identify the processing data sharing, transfer, publicly disclose without prior notice to you and ask for your consent.

6. your rights 6.1 Information Management
During your use of Hong Kong Hao Fan Game services, we may provide you with relevant operation Settings based on the specific situation of the game products, so that you can query, delete, correct or withdraw your personal information. You can refer to the specific guidelines of the corresponding game products for operation. In addition, we also set up a complaint reporting channel, your comments will be timely handled.
Note: there is no independent account for the game provided by us at present. Instead, we use the associated Hong Kong Hao Fan account as the game account to log in the relevant game. If you need to cancel the game account, you need to cancel the Hong Kong Hao Fan account.

6.2 Change the scope of license consent
You can change the scope of the license you have agreed to by: 1) to http://www.xgfun.com/;
After you apply for authorization to withdraw, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. Please understand that due to the withdrawal of your license, we are unable to continue to provide you with the specific functions or services corresponding to the withdrawal of your consent or license. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal information previously carried out based on your authorization.

7. Changes
We may amend these Guidelines in due course. When the terms of this guidance change, we will inform you of the changed guidance in an appropriate manner during the version update. Please read the revised Privacy Guidelines or guidelines carefully. If you continue to use Hong Kong Hov Games, you agree that we will collect, process or use your personal information in accordance with the updated privacy Guidelines. 8. Protection of minors
We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information, and continue to explore new ways to protect minors' personal information.
We will actively protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors by using the anti-addiction system in accordance with the national anti-addiction policy. We will verify the real-name information such as real-name identity to determine whether the real-name information of the relevant account is a minor, and then decide whether to include the account into the anti-addiction system. In addition, we will collect the information such as your login time, game time, through the intervention automatically from the system level and limit minors game time, enable the forced offline function, reasonable guide minors game, and try to contact the guardian after suspected minors consumption to remind, to confirm and processing, help the health of minors online.
At the same time, in order to better protect the physical and mental health of minors and promote them to surf the Internet healthily, we may implement more strict measures to prevent addiction on the basis of the national anti-addiction policy. At the same time, we are constantly researching and testing new technologies to protect minors. For example, in order to further improve the accuracy of real-name authentication and prevent minors from using others' identity information to the maximum extent, we may enable face recognition authentication in some games or for some users (depending on the specific game strategy).
The above face recognition verification is mainly to compare the user's real face information with the authoritative data source of the public security platform. If the comparison results are consistent, the authentication will be successfully passed, and the corresponding game time limit will be matched according to the actual age of the user. If the comparison results are inconsistent or the user refuses to verify, we will uniformly regard minors under the age of 12 as minors and put them into the corresponding anti-addiction supervision. The relevant verification data of face recognition is only used for comparison with the authoritative data platform of public security after encryption, and we will not retain it.
In addition, we have built a growth guardian platform. The growing Guardian platform can also help parents or guardians keep track of their children's games at any time, set consumption limits and daily game hours and periods, and assist parents or guardians of minors to protect them from bad gaming habits. You can click here to learn more about Hong Kong Hao Fan game anti-addiction system and growth guard platform introduction. At the same time, we have also established an active service platform for minors. After suspected minors consume, we will try to contact their guardians to remind, confirm and deal with them. You can contact us through the minors education consultation hotline 0755-83761852.
If you are the legal guardian of a minor, please pay attention to whether the minor under your guardianship uses the services of Hong Kong Hao Fan Games or provides his/her personal information after obtaining your authorized consent. If you have questions about the personal information of a minor in your custody, please contact us through the contact information in Section 10.

9. Other
Hong Kong Hoifan Privacy Policy is a general privacy policy uniformly applied by Hong Kong Hoifan. The content stipulated in it, including but not limited to user rights and information security measures, is applicable to Hong Kong Hoifan game users. If there is any inconsistency or contradiction between the Privacy Policy of Hong Kong Hao Fan and these Guidelines, these Guidelines shall prevail.
when you have other complaints, Suggestions and minor issues related to personal information, please contact us via http://www.xgfun.com/. We will review the issue as soon as possible and reply to you within 15 days of verifying your user identity. Hong Kong Hao Fan network

HongKong Howfun Technology Limited. All rights reserved

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